Force Changes State Of Motion

Concept Explanation

Force Changes State of Motion

A Force can Move a Stationary Object:

On applying force we can change the state of rest of the object that is we can move a stationary object. For example:

1. On gently pushing a ball lying on a table top, the ball starts moving. Thus, a ball at rest (or stationary ball) begins to move when a force (of push) is applied to it.

2. The player while taking penalty kick in a football match, the player applies a force on the stationary football. Before being hit, the football is at rest, and its speed is zero. The force applied by the player makes the football move towards the goal. Thus, if we kick a stationary football kept on the ground, then the football starts moving. In this case, the force of our foot makes the stationary football move.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

 The brakes can stop a moving car is an example of_____________________ .

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Placing our palm in  front of the moving ball will stop the ball. This occurs due to ______________________.



Right Option : B
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Question : 3

. A cricket ball moving on the ground stops automatically after some time. In this case, the force that comes in to play is__________________

Right Option : B
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